Betrichol L'saule
Warrior of Light, Liberator, Conlesbian
An erudite young Roegadyn who fights for a better world. From mischievous beginnings, tragic missteps, and deepening friendships she takes the Unending Journey head on
Her Origins
Betrichol's story starts not in Eorzea but in Sharlayan. It is said her parents, Hana and Alystr Denkyrborn, were members of the Forum. Their status changed after they were apart of the expedition into the Aetherial Sea and were asked to take part in Hydaelyn's plan. They refused to sumbit to magicks rendering them unable to discuss the Final Days, and thus were forced to flee after the birth of their daughter to Limsa Lominsa."L'saule" was a name chosen to avoid persecution by the Bibliothecs, taken from Alystar's former Mi'qote mentor. "Betrichol" was from a long dead Bozjan scholar Hana was fond of in her studies as a Black Mage. Betrichol's non traditional lead to some teasing from her Roegadyn peers living near the Bloodshore. She was often called “Blaetikoel” being the closest Roe pronunciation which meant “Bloody Couerl”, it was a term of respect, fear, or insult depending on who you talked to.While given a formal Sharlayan education by her parents, her skills in combat, crafting, and gathering were somewhat lackluster. However one day while managing her parent's potion stand in Limsa, Betrichol found she had a silver tongue for selling. Once she let slip she was Sharlayan, foreign tourists in Costa
Del Sol she was assumed to be a good intentioned intellectual. She was looked at in awe, and Betrichol enjoyed the feeling. Using her parents magic and people skills, the young Roe turned into quite the formidable con artist.But how could such a mischevious scheming woman become the champion of Hydaelyn Herself? While her parent's complaints of her misdeeds were ignored, there was one man she'd lend her ear to, her Viera friend Camryn. Ever the voice of reason and open minded, it was him who Betrichol confided in. In turn, while disapproving Camryn found Betrichol was the only one who treated him as a person, not as a Dalmascan foreigner or spearman from old tales.A year before the Calamity, one of Betrichol's schemes has cost her severely. She had sold an old man a potion she persuaded would protect the man from Kobolds. It turns out that man was a pirate captain, and had died while storming a stronghold. His crew, hearing of a young Sharlayan selling these potions, were convinced the sale was an intentional attack and kidnapped the girl. She bit one of the men to resist, and in turn he stabbed her left eye. She howled in pain and the pirates were about to do much worse to her when Camryn and her parents came to her rescue. Camryn, using her ill-gotten gil, paid a craftsman for a perfect glass replica.After seeing the pain this had caused Camryn and her family, she swore off conning and took up work as a spearfisher. She saw her silver tongue as her enemy, and became much more reserved as a result. But she dedicated more time to learning how to defend herself, taking up lance lessons with a Maelstrom veteran who also had lost his eye.However tragedy struck yet again during the Calamity. Camryn had joined the Maelstrom for a chance to fight the Garlean Oppressors who had taken over his homeland. He was at Carteneau when Bahamut emerged. Back in their village, Hana and Alystr used their magicks to form a protective barrier around the village. As they were all huddled together under the burning sky and Betrichol desperately worried for her friend, her Echo had unconsciously awokened. She was forced to watch her friend's final moments, unaware they had already happened.This instilled a deep depression and anxiety in Betrichol. Her village destroyed by the debris, her family moved to Limsa. She feel deep into the cups, cursing the Garleans, the Maelstrom, Hydaelyn, just anyone who she felt let Camryn die. What broke this spell was one day at the bar hearing the cries of a young girl as a man started grabbing at her. It sent Betrichol in a rage and she practically threw the much larger Roegadyn man out of the bar. She was practically hired on the spot by the owner as a waitress and security. It was this same owner who, when he found out her left eye was false, suggested she wear her now iconic red eyepatch for the intimidation factor of a "blood stained eyepatch".But what pushed her to formally start her adventures and travel to Gridania? To met her future wife, the pickpocketing Dorys Amelle? There was no mere single inciting incident, perhaps it was a Sharlayan desire to discover the mysteries of her Echo. Perhaps it had to with a newfound sense of duty to Camryn, to be the defender of the innocent like he was. Perhaps it was because, despite tight lips, she had a variety of opinions on Eorzea's state of affairs and a mind to put her charm to good use. Perhaps she was dissatsified with daily life in Limsa and yearned for new enviorments. Or perhaps she simply needed some more gil. Whatever the case, know that she did not set on her journey out of a desire for glory and praise. She truly believed in her choices as Warrior of Light, even the mistakes of which she believes she's made plenty. But despite bouts of anxiety and cynicism, Betrichol has grown and become the best advocate for hope and progress this Star can ask for.
Her Opinions
While Betrichol L'saule was once know as a reserved and distant woman after the loss of her eye, by now she is a very vocal about her opinions. Of course even before she would often journal her thoughts or discuss with her wife Dorys. Now, to document all her opinions would be an Unending Journey in itself, so let us limit it to her opinions on other people. As a teenager, her ability to read and analyze people proved useful in planning how exactly to win their trust. She tries not to read her fellow Scions and friends, she found it's a hard ability to turn off. Against her foes, however, it can be incredibly useful to resolve tense situations and possibly avoid combat altogether. In order to understand Betrichol's thought process, below are excerpts from her journal on allies and enemies alike. She is considering publishing these in a memoir, inspired by Edmont de Fortemps Heavensward, called The Path of Light: My Honest and Complete Story.However, should you not wish to read such extensive (her wife would call overzealous) writing on a handful of individuals, fear not. Lady Tataru and Lady Krile, out of curiosity, designed for her a chart for which she transcribes, in quick blurbs and colloquial language, her relationships with her fellow Scions. Now this author personally abhors reducing complex relationships to a mere setence or two. But to increase readership such sacrifices must be made, scroll to the bottom to find the chart.It should be noted the abscene of her opinions on one Zenos Viator Galvus. That is because the text in that alone is enought to fill a novel of it's own, full of complex, messy, and controversial ideas and analysis. Her wife Dorys has heavily advised against making that public. While Betrichol intends to publish the messiness of her life in full, to show the public that their heros are not perfect fairy tale caricatures, perhaps it will take time for scars to heal before she starts that particular discussion.EXCERPTSOn Moenbryda:
Even though I had little time to know her, I’ll never forget her. My early impression of the Scions was that they were odd and distant. The Sharlayans are even more so with their cold and calculating ways. Yet here was this vibrant and passionate woman, with wit and strength to match. It's no wonder Mikoto, Urianger, and many others felt so drawn to her. There was a point where I felt she was a superior version of myself, she was so social and upbeat she seemed unstoppable. Yes, I had beat the Ultima Weapon and given speeches to soldiers but the constant stream of battle made me feel distant and withdraw. I felt strange when I wasn't being told to do something or fighting, which made it harder to relate to certain people. Later on when Hydaelyn’s blessing was taken from me I began to doubt my own abilities. She helped bring me back and made me appreciate the calm moments. I’m glad I had a chance to discuss this with her, for she admitted the doubts in herself after her mentor Louisoux left without her. Here we were, two Roe women, trying to hold the weight of public pressure and hide our self-doubts through our knowledge, humor, and focus on our work. She is the older sister I wish I had and an inspiration to this day. Every time we use auracite against an Ascian I still think of her sacrifice. I consider her a hero and hope she made peace with Louisoux and her doubts in her final moments.
I originally blamed myself for her death, that I wasn't strong enough, but I realize now that she was committed. This was not the last time a friend would sacrifice themselves for our cause: Haurchefant, Ysayle, Papalymo, too many others. In Papalymo’s case I could have tried to pull him back but instead I gravely nodded and did not interfere, because I remembered Moenbryda and like her he had made that choice because he felt it was the only way. They were ready to give their very being to save others. That's what being a hero is , what a Warrior of Light is.On Estinien:
How odd our first encounter, this foreboding foe who scoffed at my ability as an adventure, and how I would train to fight him. Then again Estinien vowed vengeance against Ysayle only to name his new armor after her. Life here is funny that way but you wouldn’t catch Estinien laughing for sure. He has been far more positive now that his need for vengeance has been fulfilled, but still a pessimist ultimately. My journey ending the Dragonsong brought us closer together but I remember his constant fighting with Ysayle. I wanted her to be right that would peacefully resolve the war but I agreed we had to prepare to fight Nidhogg. This wasn’t wholly pragmatism he had vengeance in his heart against the wyrm. It’s clear now they’re very similar beings, vengeance blinded them to the importance of the future they only wanted pain to heal their own. Later He admitted when he finally and permanently destroyed those eyes there was a bitterness in him not sadness but regret, perhaps he thought he could have had a similar fate to the dragon. But what I remember most on this nights we traveled through Dravania was that he sensed a darkness in me, the Warrior of Light of all people. He was right. The death and killing took its toll on me. I often wondered if I was just simply a weapon deployed in desperate times of war. Estinien, who had dedicated most of his life to fighting in this forever war, understood this. His contempt for Ishgard despite committing to fighting for it was something that I understood. I was Hydaelyn’s champion drafted in a war between her and Zodiark I barely understood at the time, still, I didn’t want the world to fall to ruin. But I also felt heavily jaded after the events in Ul’dah, was the Eorzea I fought for worth saving? The bitter misanthropy I felt after the death of Camryn was coming back and that darkness fluttered in my mind, but together Estinien and I both tamed that darkness and worked to create a better Eorzea.On Emet-Selch:
Where does one even begin with Hades? I remember describing the details of my encounters with a minstrel who told me he felt it wasn't his place to tell such a tale, so I will take on the burden. To simplify him and his role as Emet-Selch would be a mistake, but if I could describe him with only one word it would be “tragedy” Do not mistake this for sympathy, the man had created untold tragedy, sacrificing an uncountable amount of lives for an uncountable amount of time for the Rejoining. He may have been an immortal but I think he felt every second of being without his people and Zodiark, surrounded by fragments of them in us which he detested, pushing his anger and his dedication to his task. The tragedy is not his constant pain but the fact he could not accept that his people were gone, he had helped the Convocation sacrifice a majority of them to Zodiark to prevent the Final Days and then later to bring life back to the land. The Ascians create chaos and destruction because they cannot accept both their loss and fault in what happened. However because of our morality we must move on from loss, and use our limited time to make the world better for future generations we won't see. I believe Hades realized this which is why he ceaselessly mocked us mortals, that we were an ephemeral and destructive species that wasn't truly alive and never learned from our own mistakes. While there is cruelty and powerseekers, He seemed to forget his people’s role in nurturing that and was clearly impressed by the efforts of our species to send the Crystal Tower through time and space. His last words “Remember us…that we once lived” was an acceptance that his people were gone and that our species is not inferior.
There was some debate over if without Zodiark’s tempering mayhaps he would not be so committed to the Rejoining. I do wonder if without being tempered Hades and the Convocation would have listened to Venat and other Ascians' concerns about all the sacrificing to Zodiark. Looking at his lineage as Solus zos Galvus, Varis and Zenos, both are men who are madly convicted to their personal goals with ill regard for the lives of everyone else. Hades is no different, his actions cannot be reduced to solely the will of Zodiark. What would Zodiark gain from the recreation of Amaurot? Hades may have said the action was to teach me about his people and the Final Days, but I believe he brought out his memory of the city for his own comfort. It was the loss of his people that made him attempt to sacrifice worlds of people.
Again I must reiterate I do not sympathize with or justify his actions. I just want to give a full tale of Hades and make it clear, as much as it can be, why he committed these evils. When you remember him, remember him as a being enthralled by grief and anger rather than a god’s will who was ready to destroy the world for it. He and other Ascians have taken advantage of such feelings when manipulating people because they know how they take hold and the unspeakable acts they make us commit.On Zodiark:
This is the tale I loathed to be asked about, it has been spun into a tale of a noble warrior defeating the evil primal of old. But the reality is far more complex, certainly not a noble fight. I was filled with anger at Zenos and wanted to end things that I fell into Fandaniels trap where the death of Zodiark triggered the Final days. In fact, as Fandaniel told it with the death of Elidibus, his heart, he was no more than a wounded animal and it was easy for him to take control of Zodiarks sundered body. That’s not to say it was an easy fight, saved by my desperation gave me power. But what good was that power if it worsened the situation? What Zodiark was like before I can only speculate on the fact he was a primal born out of desperation and hopelessness. Created from souls who knowing sacrificed themselves for even a crumb of the world they once had, supposedly free of any real conflict. I imagine Venat/Hydaelyn could not tell Elidibus/Zodiark about Meteion because they were too enraptured in the preservation of the old. I wonder if Zodiark had hope, that he would be free of Hydaelyn’s prison or if he simply waited for his heart to rejoin with him.On Venat/Hydaelyn:
Yet another relationship where the word “complicated” does not do it justice. I don’t think anyone, even the other Warriors of Light, had such a relationship as I did by the end. When she first spoke to me in Gridania of the Darkness, I would have no idea of what she meant or why she chose me. Indeed it caused me great stress that I had been chosen, I was not the stuff of song and legend. Then Migardsomr took away my blessing, at first I was worried if in fact her blessing was what carried me against the primals and the Ultima Weapon. Imagine my surprise when she told me that I was her source of inspiration, Venat would think of the stories I told her in Elpis in times of need. She seemed to feel she condemned humanity to 12,000 years of suffering to defeat Meteion. No one would listen to her, Zodiark and his followers were just fixated on the old ways and returning to their paradise, and those harrowing visions of her suffering.
Truly I am sorry I doubted her after my experiences in the First, at the time I was suspicious of why she never explained the story of the Final Days or the Ancients as Emet-Selch had presented it. Of course I now know Emet-Selch only had part of the truth, and for Venat to reveal her true self and the true cause of the Final Days too early may not have prepared me to face the Endsinger. She did not hand me the fate of the entire star lightly, throwing down her life for it. The time I spent with her as Venat was beautiful and thrilling, she had such a passion for life and the world around her, playful and eager.I see why Azem was close with her and why she was Venat’s successor. I wish I could have spent more time with her but in that way I suppose I did, perhaps memories of our past life made her so appealing to me. But despite all that I could tell in the end she truly did care for me, and just seeing her cry after I thanked her, it broke my heart but I’m glad her end was not a bitter one. I feel her love even now, and I will be eternally grateful for it.

Her Quirks
Alright, enough of Lady Academic Melodramtic. In case you can't tell from the bold new ink, you are currently reading the words of the ever elusive Dorys Amelle (soon to be Dorys L'saule, mind you). You see, the writer of the earlier sections is quite the bashful maiden, and feels embarrassed writing about Betrichol's habits. She felt that her beloved would be "the best in explaining the private nuances of Betrichol". Of course if you clicked on this section first, because you wanted juicy gossip in the private life of Betrichol, you have no idea who I'm talking about. To that person in particular, go find that somewhere else, the other sections are far more controversial anyway. This is really just for color anyway and a chance to embarrass the Warrior of Light. Well for me it is, but Betrichol and our mutual All-Seeing author friend think including it would help her seem more relatable. Personally, I think swindling thoughtless tourists for a quick gil has mass appeal but seems not. Perhaps I shall write my own book one day, but until then seems I'm to be in her shadow. It should be known I don't usually tstay underneath her (if you know you know) but for now I'll enjoy penning some details about her.
She is an extremely light sleeper, at most 4 hours but usually 2-3. Sure it is no doubt useful in adventuring but you try living with her pacing around all night! Ocassionally she will just pass out in the middle of the day poor thing
She's Sharlayan but she's got a Limsan stomach, never seen someone eat so much fish. As an esteemed Culinarian (The Bismark wishes they had me) I try to make her variations but she will just put it all in a stew and down it like ale before a battle.
Many have asked about the black lipstick, honestly there's no symbolic meaning like her eyepatch. She does it and said once it makes people look at her mouth when she talks (Alas, I look elsewhere)
She doesn't like public appearances, but to all the young earnest fans who just want to talk to the Warrior of Light without alterior motive, you'll get what you want she's oddly very good at talking to children
In light of her struggles after the Calamity, Betrichol very rarely drinks and never in public. However perhaps because of her time as a waitress, she enjoys using them as a meeting place. She's wined with friends and foes alike, it's a special neutral place for her (I'm not a fan of her doing it with a certain shadowhunter but I guess a chance for a one on one coversation with such a man is tempting)
Lest you think I'm just waiting for her to return, no, I have my own adventures and before they disbanded I had no interest of joining the Scions. Though she's introduced me and I enjoy the company of that Estinien and Lady Krile (okay this one's not really about her but shows what a good friend she is)
She grew up near Costa Del Sol, so practicaing at the Moonfire faire so much, she is extremely agile despite her size. Increased by her Dragoon training she can jump incredible heights and move with ease (I'd go into her flexibility as a charm point to embarrass but don't need any gross men reading this)
She has a peculiar accent, the wandering minstrel once called it "Welsh" I'm unsure what he meant but when she yells you really hear it.
Do not mention how pale her skin is! She's will go on and on about Sharlayan genetics and the Admiral's skin tone, quite the sore spot.